
The Scarborough Camera Club holds four submissions for competition in various divisions and categories during the club season.  The results of the competition, along with commentary, will be given at the returns meeting following the judging of the submitted photos.  At the end of the club season, a Salon meeting is held where the names of the yearly award and the Salon competition are announced.

Annual Awards

Photography of the Year – Bill Williams Memorial Trophy

To qualify the member must have entered the minimum of images as required for yearly competition in a single CATEGORY. This criteria having been met the top five scoring entries from all that member’s submissions for that year shall be considered.

The points will be totaled. The high score wins. In the event of a tie the sixth highest scoring entry will be considered. If a tie still exists a seventh or eighth entry will be included. This will continue until the tie is broken.

Nature Category – Stan Hart Trophy

This trophy is presented to the photographer with best yearly point average for their top five submissions in the NATURE CATEGORY

Special Category – Trixie Bylsma Award

This trophy is presented to the photographer with best yearly point average for their top five submissions in the SPECIAL CATEGORY

General Category – Presidents Award

This trophy is presented to the photographer with best yearly point average for their top five submissions in the GENERAL CATEGORY.

Special Note – Annual Awards (Exceptions)

Awards will be given out in CATEGORIES with less than three entrants when the contestant’s score for their top five entries is 20 or more.

As conditions change throughout the year the Club executive may find it necessary to modify these rules. If this happens there will be an announcement at a general meeting. It will also be posted on the Website.